第11章 1.12

拉丁语:Flūmen est Arar, quod per fīnīs Aeduōrum et Sēquānōrum in Rhōdanum īnfluit incrēdibiliī lēnitāte, ita ut iūdicārī nōn possit in utram partem fluat. Id Helevetiī ratibus et lintribus iūnctīs trānsībant. Ubi per explōrātōrēs Caesar certior factus est Helvetiōs iam trīs partīs cōpiārum id flūmen trādūxisse, et quārtem ferē partem citrā flūmen Ararim reliquam esse, dē tertiā vigiliā cum legiōnibus tribus ē castrīs profectus, ad eam partem pervēnit quae nōndum flūmen trānsierat. Eōs impedītōs et inopīnantīs aggressus magnum partem eōrum concīdit; reliquī sē fugae mandārunt atque in proximās silvās abididērunt. Is pāgus appellābatur Tigurīnus; nam omnis cīvitās Helvētia in quattuor pāgōs dīvīsa est. Hic pāgus ūnus, cum domō exīsset, patrum nostrōrum memoriā L. Cassium cōnsulem interfēceratnet eius exercitum sub iugum mīserat. Ita sīve cāsū sīve cōnsiliō deōrum immortālium, ea pars cīvitātis Helvētiae, quae īnsignem calamitātem populō Rōmānō intulerat, prīnceps poenam persolvit. Quā in rē Caesar nōn sōlum pūblicās sed etiam prīvātās iniūriās ultrus est; quod Tigurīnī L. Pisōnem lēgātum, avum Caesaris socerī, eōdem proeliō quō Cassium interfēcerant.

英语:Arar river, which flows into the Rhone through the Aeduan and Sequani territory with incredible gentleness, so that it cannot be judged in which direction it flows. The Helvetians were going across it by rafts and boats having been joined. When Caesar was informed through scout that the Helvetians have led across three parts of their troops across the river, and almost a fourth part was remaining on this side of the Arar river, having set out from camp from the third night watch with three legions, he arrived at that part where he had not yet gone across the river. Having attacked them, hindered and unaware, he killed a large part of them; the rest entrusted themselves to flee and hid themselves in the nearest forest. This district was called Tigurinus; all Helvetian states were divided into four districts. This one district, when he left home. He holds in memory of our father, Lucius Cassius, who had been killed and his army had been sent under the yolk. So either by chance or by the plan of immortal gods, in that part of the Helvetians states, which had brought remarkable disaster upon the Roman people, first paid a penalty. Where in this affair, Caesar avenged not only the public but also the private injustices because Tigurini had killed general Lucius Pisonus, grandfather of Caesar’s father-in-law, in the same battle in which they had killed Cassius.





第11章 1.12









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