第4章 Essay Two

It's getting dark.

The moon rose while the shadow of sun sank.

I took a glimpse at the window, it's hard to tell whether anyone would come.

It's hard to tell how I feel now. My heart is so heavy, seeming to load too much. Torn apart, blooding.

I guess that's why they told me to stay away from you, you are a dangerous one. Adorable, but full of risks.

I actually pretty like you, like your voice, like your eyes, like your attention on work, you're charming.

You are a bad joke teller, but you always tell interesting cold jokes.

Once you let us to have a guess what shall we call David after he lost his ID card.

The room kept silent for 3 seconds, then you revealed "Dav." So cold, so embarrassing, so cute.

I never told you I like you so much, you probably do not even put attention on me.

You may not notice yourself, your shining eyes on everybody when you listen to other people speaking.

You are really good at hiding.

The first time I found you crying in the corner, I was shocked.

Tears welled up, poured down your face.

There you are, through the mist, looking into my eyes.

You said "thank you" when I passed the tissue to you.

It's bad to see you crying, the person like you looks much prettier with a big smile.

I want to maintain the smile on your face, and I promised.

How stupid I was.

Once feeling sorry, always trapped in that hook. Smart I was, how could I just...

Fine, I may just let myself buried in that mood, take it all from me if you want.

Of course you don't want anything from me, you have no interest in me.

What you want is just to stare at me when I fell down, left alone.

You kind of enjoy that process, right?

How could I just do not find out any clue when I unconsciously take care of you.

But what past has past, what to come is about to come.

I would like to thank you for the past thirteen years.

I tried many stupid things, hoping that you may put tiny attention on me;

I missed a bunch of valuable opportunities, fearing that I may get out of your vision.

So weird. What a torture,

I wished many times for the second chance to start all over again.

But then I realized it's impossible, even if many people write about it, dream about it, it's impossible.

But I can seize the moments that haven't come.

It's a blessing that I am still alive, it's great that I have my own dream to pursue.

I want to be a excellent interpreter, I'm trying.

Before my third year of undergraduate college, it's all about you.

My goal, my attention, my decision, my mood, my world.

But still it's not to late to figure it out.

You're a good person, refused me in a quick but clear way.

I am a good person too, wished you all the best and never disrupt you for six years.

It's great to lose hope in my own love, but still I hold hope for the love of others.

There always exist love, but it never belongs to me.

So I decided to put my whole heart on my study and work, show love and care to people around me.

In reality.

The world treated me well, sometimes not so well, but I can handle.

What's up? How's everything going? I don't even know who I am talking to.

There are many "you" in this ever-changing world.

It could be me, be you, be the writer, be the reader, be anyone.

Any you is the one in another you.

Remember, life goes on.

You are good at remembering.

Remember, someone in this world loves you.

Remember, the world will treat you gentle.

Have hope in this world,I love you.

It's all about you.

This is for you and it's all about you.



第4章 Essay Two









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