第6章 Chapter 6

— Nobelium has come out to his family, causing a significant uproar on their end. As a result, we have decided to temporarily separate. It seems reasonable, considering I was the one who influenced him to explore his sexuality. Since parting ways, many things have become clearer. Uncertain about what the future holds for Nobelium and me, I find myself missing him terribly.

This passage is the preface written by Yu.

It was this text that prompted Lin’er to send a private message to Yu using an administrative ID.

Over the two years after Yu and Nuo graduated, their relationship deepened. During a holiday visit home, Nuo came out to his family. Despite years of subtle hints and clues, it appeared that Nuo's parents were caught off guard by his official coming out. The situation deteriorated, freezing the air with tension.

Having lived for over two decades, Nuo was slapped by his father for the first time and then locked in confinement. This unexpected reaction from what he believed to be accepting parents left Nuo in shock. Before being forcibly deprived of his phone, Nuo sent a WeChat message to Yu.

Wang Nuo: "I've come out to my family. Don't worry, I'll be back in a few days."

Yu did not wait for Nuo in the end, and Nuo ended up waiting for Yu. When they finally met again, they both appeared dishevelled.

Nuo's mother reacted like a madwoman upon seeing Yu at the door, grabbing a trike and beating Yu. Inside the house, Nuo leaned against the door, listening to the muffled sounds, nearly breathless.

Nuo was unaware of what Yu had said to his parents allowing him to gain entry. But upon opening the door and seeing Yu standing there, tears dried on his face.

Yu's mouth and forehead were bruised, with who knows how many more bruises elsewhere. For the first time, Nuo felt calm, in a situation that was utterly absurd.

The man standing in front of him was still the same person he met, exuding warmth even in such a dire situation. However, he had lost weight and appeared worn out, with the muscle definition he worked so hard for now diminished. Looking at Nuo, this was in Yu’s brain. 本章未完,请点击下一页继续阅读! 第1页/共3页









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