第2章 第 2 章





我觉得我刚来这里才几天,就跟一个只见过一面的人出去玩,确实不太好,于是我又约了我的飞机搭子一起去,飞机搭子又叫上了他的朋友,然后我跟那个小哥发短信:hello, I have some Chinese friends they want to go to the museum too, is it fine for you if they come with me?

我本以为他会答应,毕竟老外在我们的印象里都是很喜欢热闹也愿意结交朋友的,没想到二十分钟后他回我说:Morning, thanks for letting me know.

Is it okay with you to meet up with your friends afterwards. Or maybe on a different day?

Would be good if it was just us two on Saturday morning to see the exhibits.


于是我回道:I’m sorry to bother you, we came UK together and they also want to go to the British musuem, so I thought maybe we can go together and make friends too.

——How many people do you want to bring? Also-will me and you have a chance to eventually do an activity where it’s just the two of us?


——For example, next week I can take you to see an immersive art exhibition or something else that’s fun.

我只回了个:I have three friends on that day.

——Tbh I just want to get to know you more on a personal level, and I think with so many other people that would be difficult. I really liked learning about you yesterday!

——Would you consider meeting me for a coffee later on Saturday after you’ve met your friends at the museum?

我觉得不太可,这才见了多久啊就想跟我personal level,不管老外是不是都这么自来熟,但我觉得不太合适。

想了想我觉得还是要问清楚:I’m sorry, I don’t mean to offend you, but I wonder why you want meeting me alone? Just because in our culture it’s not good to be alone with people I have just met once. My English is not very well, I may offend you with my words, hope you do not mind with me.

想了想我又发了一条:I’d like to make a friend with you, but I’m afraid I can’t with you on a personal level for now.

过了半小时他他回我:Because if we go alone we can see how good our chemistry is together. It could possibly be like a date.

I can also help you improve your English.

我给我的室友看了这两条短信,她一脸嫌弃,“他肯定是个老手了!都不知道用这招泡了多少中国女学生!还教英文,教什么英文,你跟他说我可以帮你prove Chinese!”


我也不知道是不是我想多了还是怎么,想着还是说一声,至少说清楚了,于是我回道:Sorry I don’t want have a date now, I just want to focus on my study, we can be good friends.

二十分钟后他回我:It doesn’t have to be girlfriend/boyfriend.

Can be just casual dating…

I understand though that studies are important.

So if you just want to be friends let me know.

可能是见我一直没回,他又发了条短信给我:I actually wasn’t expecting you to text me this morning about bringing people. I was quite surprised actually.

I hope its not because you’d feel unsafe with me.

我远在北京的朋友云吃瓜,看到这条短信后说,你就回个“oh, you know, that’s good”。


——It’s not about you, I’m new here, I would like to go out with someone I’m familiar in a strange city.

很快他就回我了:I see. Well I ant to be familiar with you!:)

Not a stranger lol.

我想着要不就这样吧,直到晚上八点多又给我发了条短信:You said I can’t see you at a personal level right now.

Can you let me know when you have become more familiar with London, and more comfortable meeting new people? We can just go for a coffee in Central London or something.

我不知道外国人的思维是怎么想的,反正对于我一个中国人来说,我觉得结交新朋友至少得一起出去玩几次,是跟很多人一起出去的那种,有熟悉的朋友的那种,这样熟悉下来再加个微信什么的聊聊,这样下来之后才能是personal level。














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